This story starts with Louis Solomon’s paper
- A Mackey formula in the group ring of a Coxeter group, Journal of Algebra 41 (1976) 255-268.
where he proves that the linear span of the sums
$\displaystyle y_T:=\sum_{{\mathrm{Des}}(w)=T}\ w,\qquad {\rm with}\qquad T\subseteq S,$
forms a subalgebra of the group algebra of a Coxeter group $W,$ with generator set $S$. Here ${\mathrm{Des}}(w)$ stands for the descent set of $w\in W,$ which is to say
${\mathrm{Des}}(w):=\{s\in S\ |\ \ell(w\,s)<\ell(w) \}.$
As usual, one denotes by $\ell(w)$ the length of a reduced expression of $w$ in terms of products of elements in $S$. The resulting algebra plays a role in many interesting situations. A closely related algebra, called the shuffle algebra, is obtained by applying the anti-endomorphism of the group algebra that corresponds to inverting all elements of the group. Properties of this last algebra has been exploited by Persi Diaconis in the study of card shuffling. This is nicely discussed and generalized in a paper by J. Fulman.
Some more papers on descent algebras
- M. Bishop, On the Quiver Presentation of the Descent Algebra of the Hyperoctahedral Group, (arXiv:1307.3338), 2013.
- M. Bishop and G. Pfeiffer, On the Quiver Presentation of the Descent Algebra of the Symmetric Group, ( arXiv:1206.0327), 2012, 21 pages.
- L. Foissy and F. Patras, Natural endomorphisms of shuffle algebras, (arXiv:1205.2986), 2012, 19 pages.
- J.-C., Novelli, C. Reutenauer, and J.-Y. Thibon, Generalized descent patterns in permutations and associated Hopf algebras, European Journal of Combinatorics 32 (2011), no. 4, 618–627.
- J. M. Douglass, G.Pfeiffer, and G. Roehrle, Cohomology of Coxeter arrangements and Solomon’s descent algebra, (arXiv:1101.2075) 2011, 31 pages.
- F. V. Saliola, On the quiver of the descent algebra, Journal of Algebra, Volume 320, Issue 11, 1 December 2008, Pages 3866–3894.
- C. Hohlweg, Generalized descent algebras. Bulletin Canadien de Math. 50 (4) (2007), 535-546.
- C. Hohlweg and P. Baumann, A Solomon descent theory for the wreath products $G\wr S_n$. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 360 (2008), 1475-1538.
- C. Hohlweg and C. Bonnafé, Generalized descent algebra and construction of irreducible characters of hyperoctahedral groups, Annales de l’Institut Fourier 56 (1) (2006), 1-42.
- F. Patras, C. Reutenauer, and M. Schocker, On the Garsia Lie idempotent, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 48 (2005), no. 3, 445–454.
- D. Blessenohl, C. Hohlweg, and M. Schocker, A symmetry of the descent algebra of a finite Coxeter group, Advances in Math. 193 (2) (2005), 416-437.
- M. Schocker, The Descent Algebra of the Symmetric Group, Fields Institute Communications, 2005.
- F. Patras, and C. Reutenauer, On descent algebras and twisted bialgebras, Moscow Mathematical Journal 4 (2004), no. 1, 199–216, 311.
- C. Malvenuto, and C. Reutenauer, Duality between quasi-symmetric functions and the Solomon descent algebra, Journal of Algebra 177 (1995), no. 3, 967–982.
- (with L. Favreau), Fourier Transform for Some Semisimple Algebras and Harmonic Analysis for Probabilistic Algorithms, Discrete Math.,Volume 139, (1995), 19-32.
- C. Reutenauer, Free Lie algebras, London Mathematical Society Monographs. New Series 7, Oxford University Press, 1993. Une portion de ce sujet se retrouve dans un texte portant le même titre: Free Lie Algebra, en accès libre.
- (with N. Bergeron) Orthogonal Idempotents in the Descent Algebra of $B_n$ and Applications, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 79, Issue 2 (1992), 109–129.
- (with N. Bergeron, B. Howlett and D. Taylor) A Decomposition of the Descent Algebra of Finite Coxeter Groups, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, Volume 1, Issue 1, (1992), 23–42.
- (with A. M. Garsia and C. Reutenauer) Homomorphisms Between Solomon’s Descent Algebras, Journal of Algebra, Volume 150, Issue 2 (1992), 503-519..
- (with N. Bergeron) A Decomposition of the Descent Algebra of the Hyperoctahedral Group, Journal of Algebra, Volume 148, Issue 1 (1992), 86–97.
- A. Garsia and C. Reutenauer, A Decomposition of Solomon’s Descent Algebras, Adv. in Math., (2) 77 (1989), 189-262.