Here are some interesting links to pages that show mathematics at play in surprising contexts, or explained in a particularly elegant manner. I have also included interesting sites for some areas of mathematical research and their relevance to
- Why blackboards are important.
- The Mathematical Sciences in 2025, prepared for the US National Research Council in 2013.
- Research funding of Mathematics and Statistics in Canada, A submission from the NSERC Mathematics and Statistics Liaison group, to the Review of Federal Support to Research and Development, on research funding of mathematics and statistics in Canada. September 29, 2016.
- Open books: Approved Textbooks | American Inst. of Mathematic
- Texts on some original aspects of the Culture of Research and Scholarship in Mathematics, by the American Mathematical Society.
- Descriptions and properties of various combinatorial objects
- A french site on the history of mathematics
- A rich source of diverse material
- Lots of nice images
- Animated polygons and polyhedra
- A rich (content wise) mathematical blog
- Bach and Möbius
- Penrose Tiling part 1 and part 2
- Escher and conformal maps
- A nice movie on Escher’s Universe
- The documentary Achieving the Unachievable
- Möbius transformation group revealed
- Rubik cube in 4D (applet), and seeing it being solved
- Animated hypercube
- A rolling 4 dimensional dice
- A movie exploring various dimensions
- Coloured visualization of Complex Functions
- The Elegant Universe Nova series
- The Mathematical Tourist Blog
- Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
- Deep dive into the Mandelbrot Fractal
- The original text of Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, Edwin A. Abbott, 1884. And now the trailer of Flatland: The Movie
- The Visual Insight Blog of the AMS
- The Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013
- Nature by numbers
- 10 billion decimal of π in base 4
- The classical Powers of 10
- Coxeter explains his influence on the art of Escher
- Gilbert’s animations
- Resources for Combinatorics (however, several links seem to be outdated)
- Resources for Representation Theory
- Resources for Computer Algebra. Also, lookup the Open Source system Sage
- A nice webpage on books and papers that concern Catalan numbers
- The Combinatorial Statistic Finder.